What street date? Walmart continues to put out Star Wars 2012 merchandise while Target and ToysRUs stores remain barren. I'm not a market economist or a bean counter, but if I have product lingering in the back stock not selling, it's hurting the bottom line. It's not like it's going to spoil a 12 year old movie for us. But I digress.
Clone Wars Wave 1 consists of mostly re-issued figures with the new being Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper Phase II, and Commander Cody with Propulsion Pack. Chewbacca has been repainted lighter from his 2011 version to be more accurate to the series character. We present all of them except for CW3 Savage Opress, who continues to be the elusive one for hunters even with this re-issue.
Just a reminder that The Clone Wars returns from holiday hiatus this evening with the all new "Escape from Kadavo". Anakin tries to convince the Zygerrian Queen that she too is a slave and pawn in an evil Separatist plot. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan toils in the slave camps of Kadavo, a grim situation that grows increasingly bleak. The episode airs tonight at 8 pm/ 9 pm Central! Click here to view a preview at StarWars.com.
In light of new toys shipping, the Blu-Ray bonanza, and everything else going on which may or may not involve a certain blonde star's backside on a cell phone, you no doubt forgot that the two-part season premiere of The Clone Wars aired on Cartoon Network earlier tonight.
Also important: Cartoon Network has two episodes of The Clone Wars airing this coming Friday, and it seems we're being treated to a massive quantity of water battles. Be sure to set your DVRs!
In stores right now is the Droid Attack on the Coronet, exclusive to Toys R Us stores and retailing for $24.99. But if you only look in the big display in the front of the store, you'll miss it.
Ready for another trailer for The Clone Wars? The new season premieres September 16 and it looks like we're up for a giant water-based battle... or two. Or three if previous seasons are any indication. Want to see more?
A tipster emailed me to point out that the lightsaber in General Grievous' Attack Cycle is actually modeled after Sha'a Gi's unique weapon from the original Clone Wars micro series. I did not notice that before! "The More You Know," and all.
More translations! This new Hasbro Clone Trooper blaster was shown at Comic-Con with a lot of words on its body-- but what do they mean? The top row is "CC-2224," and that's Clone Commander Cody's identification number. The bottom is "Republic." Exciting!
We update our Image Bank with additional photos of the ROTJ Deleted Scene and TPM waves as well as the ToysRUs exclusive The Force Unleashed II and Droid Attack on the Coronet
The Clone Wars television series Supervising Director Dave Filoni will be at the Hasbro Comic-Con booth (#3213) this Saturday from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm to sign a special edition of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which is designed specifically for the autograph session and free for fans. Hasbro will be distributing a limited number of tickets on a first come first serve basis for fans to participate. The tickets will be distributed Saturday beginning at 9:30 in the Hasbro booth while supplies last.
Galactic reader Mike M. finds the ToysRUs exclusive Geonosian Warrior with Speeder and Rebel Technician with Transport along with Clone Commander Blackout at a local store in the Toronto, Ontario area. These hopefuly will begin hitting the lower continent soon!
It's a Clone Pilot! This is the one that comes with the brand-new Y-Wing Scout Bomber, and has more than a passing resemblance to Warthog. With ball-jointed hips and great helmet deco, it's a nice figure-- but is it worth buying with the vehicle? Read on!
ToysRUs.com has posted their exclusive Commander Blackout aka Stealth Operations Clone Trooper on their website to pre-order for $7.99 each!
Hasbro has increasingly referred to their vehicle-with-figure assortment as "Mini-Rigs," and for a while it seemed baffling why. These vehicles were mostly bikes and guns, not exactly tiny versions of big-screen vehicles or off-camera hardware. Well, we got a couple of samples-- Y-Wing Scout Bomber and a Republic Scout Speeder-- and we will kindly eat our words now. Each vehicle includes an exclusive Clone Trooper figure and includes play features generally unseen in Hasbro's vehicles of this size. They're small, fun, and are arguably more than worth your cash if the word "mini-rig" gets you excited.
UPDATE: Added some notes on weapons storage and compatibility with other large vehicles.
Click through for images and impressions, after the break.
The new Deluxe Mini Rigs have been spotted at ToysRUs in Chandler AZ for $18.99 each. These include the Republic Scout Speeder with ARF Trooper, Speeder Bike with Castas, Separatist Droid Speeder with Battle Droid, and Attack Cycle with General Grievous. Thanks to Mickey Gunslinger for the news and Happy Hunting!