Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Hera Syndulla (The Ghost, The Vintage Collection). She shares the head and hands with the basic carded figure from Ahsoka, as well as the blaster, but pretty much everything else is new. You can't actually buy this figure outside of eBay right now, but she's pretty good and can be crammed in the Phantom vehicle from that set, just barely. Read on!
Despite a shortened funding period compared to other HasLab projects, the STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina received enough buyers to get 14,737 playsets produced with two of three stretch goals. Wuher, Brenna Tonnika, and Senni Tonnika will be joined by Greedo and Nabrun Leids - so 3/5 of the figures are characters you may already have in your collection. Barring a surprise reveal from Hasbro, Arleil Schous the wolf man will not be produced at this time with this set.
And with 12 minutes to go, one last update: Nabrun Leids made it! Color me surprised, that's great news.
Another evening update: With an 1:07 to go, the Cantina needs to sell 600 units in order to hit the Nabrun Leids goal - not impossible if it keeps going at the current rate and a few more large orders are there.
Evening update: With 1:45 and 952 playsets to go to hit Nabrun Leids, it seems unlikely but not impossible to hit the next stretch goal. If you're waiting, now is the time - they need to sell about 9 per minute to make it.
Hasbro's Cantina HasLab project just hit the first stretch goal with 11 hours remaining, unless they decide to extend the funding period. (There would be no shame in doing this.) This is the first all-new Greedo in this size in over a decade, but long-haul collectors no doubt have several different incarnations at this point including up to three that were perfectly designed to sit at a table.
With 11 hours to go, it's worth noting that the Cantina seems to not sell much faster than 1 unit per minute. With 660 minutes to go, it is unlikely it will hit another milestone today without massive dealer support, but even then if they sell 5 units per minute it will only get us to Nabrun Leids. Nabrun Leids was previously sold at the end of the POTF2 era and recolored in silver in 2007 as a Walmart exclusive - so at least you've got the ability to buy one. Arleil Schous has never been made as a figure and, presumably, never will be if this doesn't go through today.
Sunday update:
9,684 9,934 10,024 and going up by a couple every time I hit reload. When I post on social it looks like some people weren't aware this project was happening yet - so you might want to post about it if you have the ability to do so and want those stretch goal figures. It seems to be selling at a rate of slightly over one per minute as I write this, which is insufficient to hit all the goals without more orders.
Saturday update: 9,246 and counting. Tell your friends.
They said it could be done - and it was! Hasbro's STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina hit its first funding milestone early Friday morning, and ends Monday evening. That means if you want Greedo (which you probably have), Nabrun Leids (of which you can get either POTF2 or The Saga Collection versions today), or the all-new Arleil Schous, it needs to sell a bunch more units. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Only if you and several thousand others (and/or dealers) were waiting to put in an order. You can click here to order one for the next few days, if you are so inclined.
Mostly I'm just surprised the Tonnika sisters are actually getting figures after fans started asking for them regularly in the late 1990s. That's a long wait!
Over on eBay, sellers are already using HasLab Cantina as a term to sell the related figures - so if you're looking to fill out the bar with the figures you missed, that might help.
As of right now, the STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina stands at 7,673 backers. It needs to hit 8,000 to happen, and complete stretch goal werewolf power is at 17,000 units sold.
I don't think it's impossible to hit either goal if people back today or early tomorrow.
If this thing hits its goal today or early on Friday, there's a chance of people spreading the word and the dealers, flippers, fans, and collectors of the world will jump on in a hurry because FOMO becomes real once the playset is guaranteed to be made - and people will want those extra figures for the fence-sitters. Not everybody has $400 or $500 right now, but they might have $800 or $1000 in a year.
Hasbro Pulse put up a new video today showing some behind-the-scenes painting of its Cantina Playset on HasLab. And here it is!
The video does not include some key information, like the fact that this is a crowdfunded playset, you can see it on the Hasbro Pulse HasLab page, and as of now you have under one week to sign up for one. It's over 6,800, so - plus or minus the long weekend - I'm confident it should glide past the 8,000 unit funding mark. I have no idea if dealers and flippers will swoop in at the end to buy units to carve up for individual sale later, and am generally unsure fans are going to remember to back it before they leave for burgers and barbecues and whatever kind of "bang" they're going for this weekend.
As such, you may want to go ahead and back it right now before you forget. It's less than a week, it needs the support, and everybody is going to want those extra figures. Well, everybody who pledges will want the extra figures, everybody else has other things to worry about like getting potato salad together or whatever it is you're doing right now. a handy alcove of the Star Wars: The Vintage Collection Cantina Playset, now open for crowdfunding! Apparently you can fit all seven Modal Nodes members - if you had the foresight to buy them, like any other good hoarder - in one of the many alcoves included in the set. It's a little smaller than what we saw on screen through the magic of movie editing, but it looks like they fit. It also looks like the set displays quite nicely in chunks, possibly giving you a better display option than having it all set up like you might build a movie set. Check it out.
I kid with the headline, but we've been asking Hasbro for Brea and Senni Tonnika since Galoob made one in Action Fleet in 1997. Or I have, at any rate. They're two of the includes (along with Wuher) in Hasbro's STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina. The base option is $399.99, the deluxe option adds another chunk of booths for another $100 at $499.99, and there are three stretch goals - a Greedo (read below for more on him), Nabrun Leids, and a real shocker, the missing wolfman Arleil Schous.
Is it all worth it? Will this be in a question and answer format? When should you backfill your missing alien stash? Buckle up, this one gets long. Read on!
UPDATE 6:28 PM PACIFIC: Zeb is now included and at 19,719 (and counting) with 2 1/2 hours to go, the Ghost is fully funded with all stretch goals.
In an impressive 11th hour showing, the Star Wars The Vintage Collection The Ghost is in the midst of a morning-ending surge of new orders. As of now (11:51 PM Pacific) it has 16,741 backers - that's twice the initial goal, and 259 away from unlocking the final stretch goal for Zeb.
The crowdfunding campaign ends today.
With few new vehicles announced other than some Speeder Bikes and Mando's N-1 Starfighter (pre-orders processing now), it might be a worthwhile addition to a room if you've got one. It's a big ship - bigger than Millennium Falcon-sized, if you're keeping track - so you'll want to be sure you make some space and sell some stuff down before it arrives. You won't, because you're like me, and also a procrastinator/hoarder.
Anyway, this thing ends at midnight Eastern / 9:00 PM Pacific. Do you dare take a third vehicular plunge? Secondary market prices for Razor Crest seem to be a little lower - you can find them in some local toy, collectible, and record shops - so I would be hesitant to recommend this ship as an investment piece in 2023. Of course, who knows what appearances it may have on a hypothetical current or future season of Ahsoka or a movie? I don't. So I ordered one, so I can play with it with the Kenner figures we know we're getting.
Better late than never! I've been speculating/predicting this for a couple of years, but at SDCC Hasbro confirmed the HasLab Star Wars The Vintage Collection The Ghost vehicle/playset. For $499.99, you get a ship that seems to be a little bigger than the big Millennium Falcon, the Phantom II, a slug/no-legs Chopper droid, and a carded Hera Syndulla figure. As I write this, it has just under 45 days to go and is 7,231 of 8,000 backers. But there's more to it than that.
Does it fit your old Star Wars Rebels figures? Sadly, I wasn't able to ask and am still catching up with con coverage - but Razor Crest and the Sail Barge were both designed with seats that work with Kenner-style action figures. So, let's hope.
Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: The Mythrol (Carbonite, The Vintage Collection) . It's one of four HasLab Razor Crest pack-in Carbonite blocks. Read on!
The funding for the HasLab Star Wars™ The Black Series Rancor ended just under an hour ago, capping out at about 8,500 of a required 9,000 orders before numbers started reducing down to 832 (as of 9:49 PM Pacific) and the project was removed from the HasLab archive page. For now you can still see the pictures and copy for Malakili, and it is unknown what this means for future projects.
As it did not fund, we do not anticipate this project to see production, but it will be interesting if Hasbro tries to make a similarly sized - but simpler and cheaper - creature with less articulation at a lower cost. (I am not betting on it.)
Via Hasbro Pulse: Star Wars™ The Black Series Rancor Update! There is no picture, but there's some text - and we all know, that's where the magic happens.
From the campaign: "We really appreciate all the feedback we’ve received in an effort to make the HasLab Rancor the best possible dream product. With that, we realize we can't leave the most dangerous creature, the rancor, roaming the galaxy without its keeper. We will be adding a fully newly-tooled Star Wars: The Black Series Malakili figure [editor's note: emphasis added] to the base offering, funding at 9K units. Uncarded and ready for action, Malakili comes with his unique gaffi stick inspired by Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. This figure is in active development, and we will share renders as part of our backer updates if the project successfully moves into production.
"This final additional figure can ONLY be added if we hit our target threshold of 9K backers before the campaign deadline (December 6, 2021). Thank you for your help in shaping this product in real time!" More commentary after the jump? Sure, why not.
It took me forever to open my Sail Barge, but inside it had Jabba the Hutt (Barge pack-in, The Vintage Collection) - which has mostly excellent paint. The eyes have some weird black lines, but the body and head are amazing with some of the best painted Jabba detail to date. Not bad for a repaint of a Jabba from The Black Series Rancor Pit sit that you already forgot existed. Read on!