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Thief Makes Off with 45k Star Wars Collection

By Mike — Monday, October 26, 2015

Those childhood memories can attract quite the scum and villainy. A Vancouver, Washington Star Wars collector reportedly had about $30-45,000 worth of what appears to be mostly vintage Kenner collectibles stolen from his home. Click here for the full report from KRON4.

The Man Who Shot Luke Skywalker

By Mike — Thursday, October 18, 2012

Via Gus Lopez, former Kenner and Hasbro photographer Kim Simmons has updated his site with more wonderful and amazing vintage Kenner product, comps and prototype photos. 

Ad: Hasbro Star Wars Vintage Wave 6, Clone Wars Wave 4, Model Kit Sale at Entertainment Earth

By Adam Pawlus — Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ad: New Hasbro items plus a Model Kit Sale! Tons of exciting Model Kits are on sale at at Entertainment Earth today! Check out dozens of awesome items, and get one for 50% off when you buy two! There are also numerous new Vintage Star Wars Wave 6 Action Figures and Marvel Universe items from Hasbro, too! Click through for pricing and availability.

New Target Star Wars Exclusives Hitting Now, New Endcap

By Adam Pawlus — Friday, October 21, 2011

It's that time again!  Hasbro has 3 new Star Wars exclusives hitting Target stores now.  Get the lowdown, pricing, and DPCIs all after the break, and come back later this weekend for more details and pictures!

Proof Card Day 2: Bespin Luke

By Mike — Friday, July 23, 2010

The proof card of the day at the Hasbro Comic-Con booth is Bespin Luke. Two more cards remaining and we've been told they will be Boba Fett and Han Solo. Hasbro's on point with these awesome mock proof cards and here's hoping they return for Celebration V!

Gentle Giant: Comic-Con Exclusive McQ Vader Minibust and Vintage Stormtrooper

By Mike — Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gentle Giant has a lot planned for Comic-Con featuring plenty of the expected activity in their booth and a couple of nostalgic/vintage awesome Star Wars exclusives!