This Stormtrooper, while recycling some parts from 2007's 30th Anniversary Collection version (head) and 2009's Sandtrooper packed in with the Walmart Dewback (body) is a pretty good effort. It suffers from loose helmet syndrome and the cardback wrongly depicts its first issue on an Empire Strikes Back card, but you can do far worse for $9 to $10 bucks. It will be interesting to see how this figure sells next to the lingering Vintage Sandtrooper.
eFX Collectibles and the 501st TK Project is auctioning off a replica Stormtrooper helmet to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This special and unique edition helmet features more than a dozen signatures from the cast and crew of the original Star Wars trilogy, including Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and George Lucas himself.
Gentle Giant has a lot planned for Comic-Con featuring plenty of the expected activity in their booth and a couple of nostalgic/vintage awesome Star Wars exclusives!