Fan favorite Jedi Quinlan Vos gets his Clone Wars plastic treatment just in time for his recent appearance in the excellent “Hunt for Ziro” episode. Featuring nifty painted tats, a soft goods skirt, and additional hip articulation so that you can pose him nicely on his speederboard, which we assume will be seen in a future episode, Vos will not disappoint.
Lucasfilm and The Cartoon Network will be presenting limited theatrical screenings for a sneak peek at the new and mysterious villain, Savage Oppress. The screenings are FREE in select cities with an RSVP and those who attend are asked to bring a new/unwrapped toy for children in need this holiday season.
The Clone Wars Sgt. Bric Mailaway figure with Battle Mat is now showing up in mailboxes across the nation. Curatola01 reports his delivery today and sends us a couple of photos for your perusal.
Obi-Wan's droid finally gets plasticized Clone Wars style with great paint apps using the R3-S6 "Goldie" mold. If you like your droids, plan on picking this one up!
He's juvenile! He's delinquent! He's young Boba Fett! Re-introduced in Season 2 of The Clone Wars, the young bounty hunter in training is going through his own rites of passage. The figure is incredibly done, with the good likeness and articulation that we've come to expect from this line.
This figure is simply stunning, with soft goods that work with the super articulation underneath. We do have concerns about the long term viability of the soft goods skirt as it seems prone to unraveling, but it lays well and complements the figure overall. VC31 Shaak Ti is the latest addition to our Image Bank. Post your thoughts in our comment box!
With the recently released Battle Pack, you may think that there would be ample supply of Mandalorian Warriors for everyone. But don't fool yourself. This guy will be hot to move off the pegs. View all the detailed photos in our Image Bank and be sure to post your comments!
A repaint of last year's "clean" release (and this year's re-release), CW24 Jungle Camo ARF Trooper offers nothing new except the cool camouflage paint deco based on his appearance in The Clone Wars theatrical film. And for this, we recommend picking up a couple. Make sure to post your comments!
A vast improvement from last year's release, CW23 Kit Fisto is another great figure in the 2010 Clone Wars assortment. Hasbro gives him well articulated legs and ankles this time along with a soft goods skirt so he can easily fit into the cockpit of his new Walmart exclusive Jedi Starfighter. Not surprisingly, Kit has been one of the harder to find at least in this reporter's area. Don't hesitate to pick him up of you see him. Make sure to post your comments!
A wonderfully executed figure with the perfect sculpt and great articulation, CW11 Aurra Sing is the best yet, and if you haven't picked her up, you need to. A brand new super articulated sculpt that is evolutions above her POTJ and Saga iterations, Sing is a pasty yet sexy volatile piece of plastic. If we were to nitpick, an additional dead Jedi lightsaber would have been fantastic. Please post your comments on the bounty hunter!
You can now have your Separatist commander hard-boiled or deep fried. Hasbro retooled the previous TCW versions and gave him additional articulation (especially in the legs), interchangeable battle damage parts, new head sculpt, but alas, less ambidexterity and fire power. CW10 General Grievous may be the best TCW version yet, but if there's one complaint, it's that his shoulder plates do not stay on and we recommend keeping the rubber bands on the hands because they are not sculpted well enough to grip those sabers.
Serve the public trust. Protect the innocent. Uphold the law. Yes, CW09 Mandalorian Police Officer sorta reminds us of this guy. As with most Clone Wars designed action figures, the sculpt is true to the series. While the limited articulation in the legs holds this figure back from a poseability standpoint, the shield/firing missile launcher combo is a nice touch.
VC08 Pre Vizsla is next up in our Image Bank. The leader of the Death Watch comes well equipped with double WESTAR-35 blaster pistols and a darksaber that will lead that newly released Mandalorian Warrior Battle Pack quite nicely. Make sure to post your comments!
Now available in Toys R Us stores and online, the TRU exclusive Nikto Guard Puko Naga has been added to our Image Bank. A great figure overall, it does receive a negative point for lack of knee and ankle articulation. As an army or squad builder and at a premium of $10.99, we couldn't ask for anything less.
Share your thoughts and post your comments on this new exclusive!
The Toys R Us exclusive The Clone Wars Nikto Guard Puka Naga is now available online at for $10.99 each. Qualify for FREE Shipping with your purchase of $100 or more. Click here to place your order!