Hot Wheels Fig Rig: $1 Car for Your Star Wars LEGO Figures

By Adam Pawlus — Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Did you know Mattel made a die-cast car that's compatible with LEGO figures? It's true!  The Hot Wheels Fig Rig is a new release from the company and likely at a store near you right now.  The hood has 2 studs for LEGO connections, there are two more in the truck bed, and several locations have 3mm bars on which figures can grip their hands.  And as luck would have it, a LEGO stud is the same size as the hole in most Fighter Pods figures.



While not necessarily the most exciting or Star Warsy thing you'll see this week, it's probably the cheapest.  I found out about it last week and have had one on my desk, and it's quite good.  I wrote a review of it at, and figured you guys would probably want to know about it too.   It's #80/250 in the 2013 collection and totally worth the asking price of about a dollar.

If you have kids I'd say go run out and get one during lunch as a surprise - I've seen them at grocery stores and Walmarts so far.  It's a great way to send a LEGO Darth Vader flying across the floor without throwing him.