The Y-Wing Pilot from the Battle of Malastare is next up on our Image Bank. CW28 Clone Pilot Goji is a nice nod to "Gojira" or Godzilla to you Westerners. His helmet even bears the markings of the Japanese super lizard.
The all new CW26 Flamethrower Clone Trooper may not be what J. Geils had in mind, but who's to argue? Along with two types of flame accessories, you get a stand and die to play your Galactic Battle Game. Don't forget to send in your POP's for the Sergeant Bric mailaway! And certainly don't forget to post your comments on the latest iteration of the Clone Trooper.
The Cerean Jedi Master finally gets his chance in Clone Wars style plastic and he ain't bad at all. CW25 Ki-Adi-Mundi is the latest Image Bank update and you can find him in stores now, specifically Toys R Us.
Mickey Gunslinger reports finding the AWESOME ARC Troopers and Mandalorian Commandos Battlepacks at ToysRUs in Chandler, Arizona. He was also tipped by a helpful sales clerk that the exclusive TCW Nikto Guard is in the warehouse by the thousands and set to ship next week. Happy Hunting everybody!
McDonald's Happy Meal launches their latest promo and its The Clone Wars mini skateboards! Each mini skateboard also comes with a temporary Clone Wars tattoo of your favorite characters. Visit for more!
Good news, everyone! The Clone Wars Season 2 hits both DVD and Blu-Ray on October 26 of this year. You can click the links to pre-order them at Amazon right now, which would be a downright neighborly thing to do.
eBay seller Tunghori strikes again with another first-look, this time an animated Senate Commando figure named Captain Jayfon. He's blue, has a cool helmet, and will probably be officially announced in the next 72 hours. Unpackaged samples are selling for $6.99 if waiting is not your bag. Check it out.
It's one of the best animated Anakin Skywalker figures money can buy. It has a STAP, knee joints, and a cloth bit so he can actually sit down. Why wouldn't you buy two? Read on!
Kul Teska is a Toys "R" Us exclusive figure which, surprisingly, just showed up. We found a sample at Toys "R" Us in Phoenix, AZ for $14.99 and snapped some quick and ugly photos.