Hey kids, it's the super-cool Rohlan Dyre figure! He has a lot of gear, a lot of armor, and a lot of not being in a store near you. Should you get this Mandalorian? Read on!
One of the fascinating things about this hobby is that, at times, Hasbro will pluck an obscure movie character from the film and drop it in the toy aisles, like General McQuarrie here. Fans weren't asking for him, but we got him-- and he's neat! Read on!
Hasbro's wildly popular Wave 7 of The Vintage Collection is shipping to (and from) online stores like Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toy Store today, so if you pre-ordered, check your order status. (They should be hitting stores shortly.) Last week @EntEarth on Twitter (which is me) confirmed wave 8 and wave 8 revision 1 of TVC have been delayed until October, but pre-orders are open now.
Don't feel blue, because Aayla Secura is here! She's about as good as it gets for movie versions of the character... the cartoon one is probably the best so far, though. So how about this one from 2005? Read on!
While I listen to this awesome cover of "Tricky" as done by Knodel, you can read about the Battle Droid Commander. It has some of the best deco ever applied to this mold, but it's still the same friggin' mold for the bazillionth time. Is it worth it? Read on!
You thought that all you had to do was to track down one of the presently extremely scarce just-released Wedge Antilles figures? Well, you're wrong. Hasbro now has a package variant to be on the watch for, and you can read more about Hasbro salting your wounds at Yakface.com for the full story.
Summer is basically here, so let's look at the hottest figure of 2003 with the Clone Trooper. This was the one that basically spawned everything about what's right and wrong with the figures today-- lots of articulation, but he was also really tough to get. Read on!
While this Battle Droid is labeled a driver for the AAT, it looks like he's ready for jungle combat. It's basically the same mold you've been used to, but different. Is it worth getting? Read on!
Here's one for the shorties. And by that, I mean the Tusken Raider Child is short. This tiny-- but still articulated-- figure came packaged with his mom for just five bucks in 2002, which, even for the time, was quite the bargain. Good luck on finding that today! Read on for more on this one.
It's the newish Weequay Skiff Master! It's one of the few new Return of the Jedi figures showing up. Go get one! Want to know why? Read on!
What would Boba Fett look like with his helmet off? A lot like Jeremoch Colton, actually. This figure was available briefly in 2009 and then went away-- did you get one? If not, read on!
Hey kids, it's ARF Trooper Waxer, a Target-exclusive companion piece to Boil and his AT-RT! It has great deco and a companion figure-- so should you get it before he dries up? Read on!