It's the new General Grievous packaged with the new Attack Cycle! It's similar to one that came out in 2010, but it's less likely to fall apart--a big, big plus. So should you get one? Read on!
Hasbro has no shortage of Darth Maul figures, and this one was particularly tough to get at first. As one of the "Masters of the Dark Side," the set was quite scarce-- single figures came out later, and now it's cheap enough for you to get easily. Should you? Read on!
Science fact: fans love Natalie Portman. So it's no surprise we eventually would get more toys of her, like this Padme Amidala in a black gown thing from 2007. She can't sit, but hey, she can stand! Find out if she's a must-have, and read on.
The SDCC exclusive Revenge of the Jedi Death Star set is now online at for $129.99 each. Click here to order yours before they're gone and enter coupon code COMIC2011 for 10% off.
He's small and fishy. Robonino was one of those figures fans started asking for, subsequently got, and didn't really buy. His Target-exclusive gift set is still available nearly 9 months after its introduction, which is a shame, as it's a nice set that should sell through. Should you get one? Read on!
The Hasbro exclusive Revenge of the Jedi Death Star Figure set sold out, along with most of the popular Hasbro exclusives, late Saturday. Hasbro even sold the sample that they had displayed in their booth, giving credence to the low production quantities of this exclusive.
We update our Image Bank with additional photos of the ROTJ Deleted Scene and TPM waves as well as the ToysRUs exclusive The Force Unleashed II and Droid Attack on the Coronet
Here is today's Hasbro Comic-Con presentation uploaded in our Image Bank. You can also view it in a Quicktime movie below. Enjoy!
At first glance, one may make the assumption that the upcoming ToysRus Trench Run X-Wing Fighter is another iteration of the 1997 Power FX mold or a repaint like the Dagobah version. But Hasbro went to great lengths to give Luke's signature starfighter some fresh insides by tooling a new fuselage and adding great detail and features in the cockpit. This may be your definitive 3 3/4 X-Wing yet.
Hasbro lead sculptor David Vennemeyer has a few things cooking in his kitchen and shared a few delicacies this afternoon in his portable workshop at the Hasbro booth, including an unpainted shot of what is shaping up to be a nicely articulated Mawhonic and the upcoming TRU exclusive Spider Assassin Droid and her "little babies. Last but certainly not least, that new and upcoming super articulated Battle Droid can be folded up to sit! Take a look!
We mentioned Hasbro's tendency to stagger their reveals during these events. The afternoon after their Comic-Con panel, Hasbro displays their forthcoming The Phantom Menace and ROTJ Deleted Scenes waves slated for release in the beginning of 2012! And these look spectacular! The TPM wave includes Padawan Anakin, Quinlan Vos, Ben Quadrinaros, Ratts Tyerell, Daultay Dofine, and a Naboo Royal Guard, while the ROTJ wave has Deleted Scene Luke, Leia, Lando, General Cracken, and a Mon Calamari Pilot!
Revenge is a dish best served cold, and in Hasbro's case, sometimes repackaged. The Hasbro's Comic-Con panels normally provides good copy and there were a few nice revelations, and this session provided a mixed bag. For whatever it's worth, the Star Wars line is entering a 16th year of modern iteration and most screen characters have been done again and again...and again.