Sideshow will begin taking priority pre-orders for their highly anticipated 12" Boba Fett on Friday, September 16th at 10 am Pacific Time. An exclusive product reveal will also be launched in their product blog on September 13th. Click here for the pre-order splash page and priority pre-order information!
If you want to get the most detail and authenticity out of your collectible figure, then a larger 1/2 scale canvas will extract as much creativity as possible. Sideshow debuted their Legendary scale Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the results are amazing. The facial features and likeness to Guiness and Park are extraordinary. One, of course, must have ample room in their home to be a "completist", but collecting one to display instantly qualifies it as a collection centerpiece.
Sideshow continues to tease us into submission as they preview the awesome, compelling, and soon to be released for pre-order 12" Boba Fett!
The Official Site gives a breakout of all the exclusive swag at Comic-Con International later this week, including Hasbro's Death Star Collector's Pack, Gentle Giant's McQuarrie Snowtrooper and Jumbo Vinyl Cape Jawa, the SOLD OUT Sideshow 12 inch Clone Commander, and others.
Get your Sith together and pre-order the upcoming Darth Sidious Legendary Scale Bust and Darth Maul Premium Format Figure from Sideshow Collectibles! The Sidious bust, with that lovely evil sneer, will ship in Q2 2011 and set you back $249 while being limited to 500 pieces. PF Maul is limited to 1250 pieces with a pricepoint of $324.99 and is slated for Q1 '11. Click on the banners to order yours!
Sideshow has announced the edition size of their ultra cool Premium Format Cyborg Darth Maul at 1250 pieces. The 24" highly detailed figure, based on his appearance in the Visionaries graphic novel, features a fabric costume, detailed accessories, and retails for $324.99. Look for him to ship in the 1st quarter of 2011. Click here to pre-order yours!