Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 1,824 with Video: Shae Vizla

By Adam Pawlus — Monday, June 11, 2012

Love 'em or hate 'em, we haven't done 'em much.  So today, Shae Vizla has not only your normal Figure of the Day feature, but also a bonus video review.  How does this new figure fare?  Was the gallery from a few days ago just not enough?  Well, read on and check out even more on this fantastic new release!

Click here for the Figure of the Day.  For the video, just look  below.




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Adam, is it just me, or does

Adam, is it just me, or does it sound like you could do a pretty good George Lucas impersonation?

But you see, Adam IS George

But you see, Adam IS George Lucas. -_-