1. You mentioned in the recent FOTD for the retro R2, who does look great, how much he is like the original. I was curious if the figure is still constructed with a screw holding the dome on, you didn't mention or have a picture that would show it. I find myself wondering if the clicker piece could be inserted in an original or if it's different inside. Also wondering if the Droid Factory leg fits in it.
I'd need to dig out my Droid Factory, but if memory serves the original Kenner wouldn't take that third leg. (Haven't tried it since the 1990s - someone, please correct me if yours is reachable.) The new retro Kenner R2-D2 action figure does indeed have a screw and clicks, but I don't want to swap it out and risk breakage or chrome cracking.
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2. I'm just going back through my Retro Collection to make sure I didn't miss anything. Before that first set (Tarkin and the Target exclusives), there was the rocket-firing Boba Fett mail-away and the POTF2 4-pack. Have I missed any other vintage-style reissues? Thanks!
It depends on where you want to draw the line, or how. I've always considered the Power of the Force 1995 Classic 4-Pack (Luke, Han, Vader, and Chewbacca) as its own thing - it has POTF2-sized foot holes and is kind of weird. Similarly, rocket-firing Boba Fett was part of The Vintage Collection. If you want to count them as "Retro," I'd ask this - where do you draw the line, and at what point does it envelop actual original Kenner figures? I don't retroactively consider any figures before 2019 to be a part of The Retro Collection as it did not exist before then.
Nitpickers may pull in other POTF2 figures. IG-88 from Shadows of the Empire is very similar to the Kenner original, as is EV-9D9. From where I sit, I draw a line at around 1990 - anything before that is "vintage," anything after that is "modern." Even though it's old, Kenner (and now Hasbro) have kept basically the same line going and evolving - you may disagree, but I'm not going to hear your argument out.
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To say "it's been an interesting week" is an understatement - I don't know if I'm going to have some stories to tell you or not, but I'm going through my old trading stash and seeing what I can unload. (Some of it has been there so long long, it is old enough to drive.)
Last week we kicked off another run of reruns, starting with the Star Wars The Black Series Boba Fett (Prototype Armor) Premium Electronic Helmet Replica - Exclusive. (Well it's a shared exclusive. And it pre-sold out already.) Additional items should be coming soon, I don't think it will surprise anyone, throughout the month. You can find the dates and some hints here. This is the kind of thing that needs to be done at my day job, so I recommend checking it out if you aren't already doing so.
Speaking of work, one of the coolest things this week is the Transformers Missing Link Optimus Prime toys. They're making a new mold toy that looks more or less like the 1984 Optimus Prime (or 1985 Convoy) with extra accessories and massive amounts of articulation, while keeping a retro box and effectively being a "missing link" between an all-new toy and a reissue. Fans have been asking for this kind of thing for years, sometimes derisively as "G1 with knees." There are die-cast metal bits, too, but I assume the spring-loaded Roller launcher is gone. It seems like they basically took Mattel's Masters of the Universe Origins marching orders, but jacked up the pricing to be more collector-focused than dad-and-kid-focused. (Yes I ordered one.)
Now that this exists, I have to wonder if some day Hasbro will bring back the old Kenner Star Wars line with knees, or slightly upgraded vehicles, to serve as something dads (or, let's be honest, maybe grandparents) can buy for their young charges. I'd be up for it, especially with minor quality-of-life improvements. What say you?
--Adam Pawlus
Got questions? Email me with Q&A in the subject line now! I'll answer your questions as soon as time (or facts) permit.
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