Jeremy Bulloch - 1945-2020

By Adam Pawlus — Thursday, December 17, 2020

3879 Actor Jeremy Bulloch died today.  He was 75.

Mr. Bulloch was famous among fans for his portrayal of Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.  While his voice was dubbed over, the character's largely restrained presence with careful, deliberate movements made the job of a man-in--a-suit into a a bonus career.  After his stint in a galaxy far, far away he also toured around the world at fan conventions as part of the "Men Behind the Masks" tour with the likes of David Prowse, Warwick Davis, and others.   He even came out to Arizona to do a few shows, and I have a signed figure from him. He would return to Star Wars as Jeremoch Colton in Revenge of the Sith, a gig that let him show his face and resulted in an action figure produced in his likeness in 2008.

Of course, there's more to life than Star Wars.  He also performed in Doctor Who, Robin of Sherwood, The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy, and dozens of other appearances - many of which may not be familiar to American audience.  His public appearances ended a couple of years ago due to Parkinson's disease. He will be missed.
