Reports are coming in of collectors receiving their Mail Away Vintage Boba Fetts from coast to coast. The not so good news is the mailer boxes haven't been the sturdiest and cards have been coming in bent and crushed.
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have VC08 Darth Vader. An awesome new head sculpt with the body of the Evo Vader is diminished by the inability of the 3 piece helmet to stay together. With apologies to Tootie, what's your take on the new Dark Lord of the Sith? Post your comments and be heard!
In the Star Wars universe, when one makes an assessment of a particularly dire situation, like, oh say, an impending land battle with a superior Imperial force, you're better off saying "I have a bad feeling about this" rather than an over exuberant "feeling you can take on the whole Empire" yourself. VC07 Dack Ralter features a whole new head sculpt and some recycled parts from previously released pilots. Make sure to post your comments!
In designing VC06 See-Threepio (C-3PO), Hasbro had to find middle ground between authenticity and play value. The all new figure has a great sculpt, articulation, and more prominently, cool removable panels to reveal his droid innards. But to allow this feature, Hasbro compromised his shiny golden-ness by relinquishing the vac metal deco. Did they do the figure justice?
He's no Max Veers, but a homage to the generic AT-AT Commander of the Kenner days of yore. VC05 AT-AT Commander's armor can be removed to reveal a detailed Imperial issued officer's wear underneath, and you can certainly swap heads for army building purposes. We wished that Hasbro had included an officer's cap, but that doesn't diminish what is one of the better executed figures of this wave. Post your comments and let Hasbro know what you think!
Aside from Boba Fett and Yoda, VC04 Bespin Luke is one of those ESB characters Hasbro has to eventually nail if they state that these Vintage Collection figures are the premium representations they're supposed to be. We're happy to say they nailed it. Featuring a spot on headsculpt, super articulation, and great paint detail, they should template this for future purposes like a running change "battle damage" version or Dagobah training. It's just that good. Post your comments if you agree or disagree!
While Hasbro has captured the likeness of Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, they sometimes struggle with Harrison Ford. VC03 Han Solo (Echo Base Outfit)'s headsculpt is fairly decent, but not the best. He does come with cool welding accessories and Patagonia-ish cold weather jacket along with some recycled parts, so he's definitely worth picking up. Here's hoping that the rumored "ultimate" Bespin version is the bees knee's. Thoughts on the new Han? Make sure to post your comments!
Clearly the best interpretation so far, VC02 Leia in Hoth Outfit is no frills, with only a removable vest and blaster to feature. Yet the power of the sculpt and paint detail speaks volumes in its subtlety. You don't need a committee to appreciate that, laser brain.
What do you think of the new Leia? Make sure to add your comments!
The magnificently executed VC18 MagnaGuard is today's Image Bank update. Featuring an all new more screen accurate sculpt with great articulation and a nice soft goods cape with a smadge of battle damage tattering, the MagnaGuard is well prepared to serve as Grievous' personal bodyguard. Also look out for the UGH foil chase hitting stores now!
VC17 General Grievous is a must collect to turn loose and wreak havoc on your Jedi and Republic forces. Besides being a superior and definite interpretation in plastic of the Separatist general, Hasbro added sartorial points in the form of inner cape pockets for wallet, Blackberry, Mets tickets, and a couple of lightsabers. And he's correctly scaled to boot!
Designated as a "Greatest Hit", Hasbro feels that VC Obi-Wan Kenobi is a figure worth repeating. It speaks to the strength of a 5 year old sculpt that the only update needed is a soft goods over a sculpted cloak. The vintage inspired card certainly adds to the peg and collection shelf appeal. Obi-Wan's out now and keep a lookout for the foil "Ultimate Galactic Hunt" card (we also feel that term is worth repeating!)
Let's cut to the chase and address the action figure netgulators. Yes, the VC19 Clone Commander Cody's antenna is corrected to silver and they also corrected the belt. We have the photos in our Image Bank to back it up. Other than that, the ROTS vintage cardback is really nice so you should go and pick one up!
Hasbro recycles the Gelagrub Clone into a generic ROTS clean white "Vintage" version everyone can army build. VC15 Clone Trooper is now ready for perusal in our Image Bank!
If you missed out on the Wal-Mart exclusive Dewback, here's your chance to army build with the new VC14 Sandtrooper. We have to admit that seeing the cardback featuring a POTF2 Sandtrooper on an orange card waxes nostalgic. Can you believe it's been 15 years?
Where the master falls short, the apprentice shines. VC13 Anakin Skywalker is clearly the best iteration of the chosen one yet. Superb sculpt, super articulation, and soft goods that work. Heck, they even nailed the hair.