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Adam Pawlus QandA

Q&A: Star Wars Vehicles, Reissues, Stores, and Future Ponderings

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, March 25, 2018

This week in Q&A - Vehicular shelf slaughter - what's "good" for a vehicle if the Sail Barge is 5,000? Legs! Sure, let's talk legs. And Customs sure why not. There's other stuff too, including toy store chatter since that part of the business is pretty rocky right now.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Sail Barge, Sail Barge, Sail Barge, and Toys R Us (And KB Too Now)

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, March 18, 2018

This week in Q&A - Sail Barge! Is it going to happen? Maybe. Probably. I don't know. Shipping the Sail Barge!, well, now we've got real dimensions. Sail Barge pricing! And Toys R Us. And as luck would have it there's more toy industry upheaval this weekend, so read on.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Vehicles, Mini Figures, and LEGO with Toys R Us on the Side

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, March 11, 2018

This week in Q&A - Vehicles and playsets! A slightly rosier outlook exists for metal mini figures - nobody ever went broke assuming people want something cheap. LEGO deals and the Fall of the House of Geoffrey are just some of the topics we tackle this week.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Force Link, Jedi Projection Luke, and the Sandcrawler

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, March 4, 2018

This week in Q&A - Force Link! How does it work? It's magic... with a less-fantastic user interface. And Jedi Projection Luke - might Hasbro do it? And where is that Sandcrawler Disney promised? We don't know, but at least you haven't missed it.

Also let's ramble about two big things - the finale of Rebels this week, and the Sail Barge some more.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Eras, Women, and Foot Pegs

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, February 25, 2018

This week in Q&A - All-in or specialize by movie era? It can pay to be picky. Women in toy lines - it's still not a lot better than it was, but you can probably blame the entertainment properties, too. And foot pegs - an easy one!

Also #finishthe92. And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Written Pre-Toy Fair, Tweaked At Toy Fair

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, February 18, 2018

This week in Q&A - 3 3/4-inch figures beyond and including Star Wars! The good news? They have a future. The bad news? Well, keep reading. Contract renewals may be happening now - but will Hasbro keep Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel in 2020? Also Solo. And a Sail Barge pitch.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Pre-Toy Fair, TV Speculation, and The Not-So-Last Jedi Toys

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, February 11, 2018

This week in Q&A - The Last Jedi figures - it's over, but is it really over? Should we expect the next TV show at Toy Fair? I wouldn't. And pre-Toy Fair guesswork.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Star Wars Q&A: Star Wars Vehicles, The New High Bar of Failure, and Classic Toys

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, February 4, 2018

This week in Q&A When is a success a failure? Apparently when people don't love the story. Classic Star Wars Vehicles - when will we see more of them? And Classic Toys at Toy Fair - don't get your hopes up, cheese.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Force Link, Battlefront Toys, and Clearances

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, January 28, 2018

This week in Q&A - I assume you've seen The Last Jedi by now! Force Link! How does it work? Battlefront II! Why aren't there more toys? And More Frequent Toy Clearances - what's the deal?

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Store Shelves, Porg Packs, and Star Cases

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, January 21, 2018

This week in Q&A - I assume you've seen The Last Jedi by now! What's with the lack of stores? It's an issue - but not necessarily what's hurting us. Porg pack poot. Do we need more? Star Cases - what happens when they bend? Uh... I don't know.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Chopper Redeco, Box Storage, and Episode IX

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, January 14, 2018

This week in Q&A - I assume you've seen The Last Jedi by now! Let's talk about Chopper! He's not in that movie but we'd like him in new colors. And box storage, and my uninteresting answer as to how I store my old boxes. Oh - and Episode IX. It's a mystery, and it's two years off!

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Spirit, Yoda, and Luke's Lost Limb

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, January 7, 2018

This week in Q&A - I assume you've seen The Last Jedi by now! Yoda! Let's talk about Yoda. And Force Ghosts - can we talk about more of those yet? Also Luke's lost hand, a story which remains a mystery.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: The Last Jedi - Spoiler Gloves Are Off, Happy New Year!

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, December 31, 2017

This week in Q&A - I assume you've seen The Last Jedi by now! More new characters... are probably not coming any time soon. And Unsolicited New Figures... are still unsolicited. And let's keep talking about The Last Jedi, because if you haven't seen it by now I would advise taking a break from reading fan sites until you do.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Toys as Non-Spoilers, Snoke, and Pricing

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, December 24, 2017

This week in Q&A - spoilers from toys! It happens - but sometimes we get red herrings. And The Last Jedi toy pricing - it's like we're back in the 1980s. Also get Snoked and get your Snoke figures before they go out of style.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!

Q&A: Star Wars Vintage, Vehicles, and Pack-In Figures

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, December 17, 2017

This week in Q&A - Vintage! It's coming soon, and possibly an idea whose time has passed. I hope that isn't true. Pack-in problems - is Hasbro likely to release a figure by its lonesome? Not no more they ain't. And vehicles on the dismantle - not everything should be popped apart.

We are not talking specifics about The Last Jedi.

And send in your questions for next week. Read on!