From Domino Squad, it's Cutup! This new redeco appeared on eBay and has not yet been confirmed by Hasbro. Is it something they'll announce at New York Comic Con next month...
It's Aurra Sing, cartoon style! Since the new movie one isn't ready yet, this is currently the best version of the character you can buy as a toy. Heck, it might be still next year-- we'll have to wait and see. Read on!
She's new-- and still a little hard to find! Darth Phobos comes from the Wii/PS2 version of The Force Unleashed, and she could be better. Nice sculpt, good accessory, iffy deco. Read on!
Another Clone Trooper from those exclusive sets from 2005! The damage is unique, the mold, not so much. Want to know more? Read on!
Hey kids, it's the new Ponda Baba and it's really good! He has an extra arm, extra hands, a ton of articulation, and a nearly perfect sculpt. Just go buy it, and if you can't, read on!
This is the new Saesee Tiin from The Clone Wars, which is a very good figure with a very cruddy jetpack.
Last year's Darth Vader was barely a new figure-- it's a tinkered revision of a figure mold that debuted in 2005. It's still really good though-- I almost wish the helmet was not removable, but that's my life. Read on!
It's here-- already! The newest wave of Vintage Action Figures is starting to show up at online retailers like sponsor Entertainment Earth.
The case includes the following 12 action figures, including a few holdovers from Wave 7:
There have been many, many versions of Captain Rex and this one, from a 2010 ARC Troopers Battle Pack, is likely the hardest to get. He has a unique helmet and gun, for starters-- so should you get it? Read on!
This Anakin Skywalker was one of the better ones. Lots of joints, a good amount of detail, and yes-- he can fit in your vehicles. This, friends, is what matters! Read on!
It's another Clone Trooper Fives figure! He's got a fancy helmet with neat deco which is a little off-center. I still like it though-- read on!
It looks like a figure you bought, but it's not. The Republic Attack Shuttle Clone Pilot uses a new body style and has unique deco on his shoulders... so he's different! Sort of. The ship is good, at least. Read on!