2011 Premiere Guild Gentle Giant Darth Maul Bust

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, April 3, 2011

Over on the Gentle Giant Ltd. blog, you can catch some information on the 2011 Premiere Guild membership.  There are three exclusives from which you can choose, one of which is the pictured Darth Maul while another is a mystery Star Wars item and a third item is from Marvel. Which will you choose?  Well, that's up to you, and really none of my business.  But you can go check out tons of images, right here, of the new Maul bust.

The club membership is $60, which, given the going rate of a bust these days, actually seems like a decent deal.  The silhouettes seem to be Spider-Man and a Kashyyyk Beach/Elite/Yoda's Clone Trooper, so hey, maybe you'll want two memberships.