There were a lot of great ideas and suggestions for the next awesome Marc Ecko Cut & Sew Hoodie but we narrowed it down to two. Find out the winners ahead!
One last reminder that our Marc Ecko Fett Tee and Hoodie Gievaway ends tomorrow. There are a lot of excellent ideas in the comments so far! Make sure to enter your submission in the original post here.
We're just shooting out a reminder to enter our Marc Ecko Cut & Sew Boba Fett Hoodie and T-Shirt Contest. Lots of great ideas by our readers so far! Click here to enter your comment in the original post and good luck!
We kick off our Celebration VI fun with an awesome contest giveaway for our readers sponsored by the nice folks at Marc Ecko! Let your Bounty Hunter flag fly by entering for the chance to win the "Fett For Real" Hoodie by Marc Ecko Cut & Sew (which quickly sold out the last time it was offered) and the Ecko "Hired Gun-Seek and Destroy" Fett T-Shirt. Here's how to enter!
Who says there’s no such thing as geek swag? It’s been five years since the Marc Ecko Cut & Sew brand first released its epic line of official Star Wars full-zip hoodies. And for the fifth time in a row, it’s no surprise that they are flying off the shelves like an X-wing out of the Death Star.