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Hasbro Q&A

HASBRO's Star Wars Q&A - Answers From 10/21

By Adam Pawlus — Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hasbro and Hunter PR joined forces to let GalacticHunter.com ask questions. Here are two of them for the next round of 2011-- if you've got a burning question, leave it in the comments-- we might just choose it to pass along!


HASBRO's Star Wars Q&A - Answers From 8/18

By Adam Pawlus — Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's that time again!  Hasbro sent some answers to a pair of our burning questions.  This time, we're focusing on upcoming The Vintage Collection packaging and a new gun gimmick showing up on the newest "mini-rigs" from The Clone Wars.  And we can point you to two other equally thrilling questions, but there's a catch.  Read on!

HASBRO's Star Wars Q&A - Answers From 10/29

By Adam May — Monday, November 22, 2010

Today we get Q&A answers about those characters who are just on the cusp of getting the green-lights (some pretty cool ones, too) and some not-so-good news for fans of Duchess Satine. Also, Hasbro sends along some exciting news about some more new and very cool product for The Vintage Collection. You know you want to know, so read on!

HASBRO's Star Wars Q&A - Answers From 9/24

By Adam May — Thursday, October 28, 2010

This session's Q&A is a mixed bag (especially as we went into the interrogation with San Diego Comic-Con and Celebration V information overload). So will that 'other' Imperial Scanning Crew Tech find his way (with his cool gadgets) into your collection? Will we see the final moments of Darth Vader on his Funeral Pyre in figure form? Let's see what the latest from Hasbro tells us...
